Personal Development

Psychometric Tests and Assessments

Psychometric Tests & Assessments

Psychometric Tests & Assessments 1920 1381 Boundless IOP
Psychometric Tests and Assessments in South Africa
The importance of psychometric tests and assessments in a changing world of work

Globalisation, hybrid-work environments, and mass employee resignation are trends that Industrial Psychologists and companies alike have experienced amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. These trends fuel the war on talent, referring to attracting, developing and retaining high performing talent that possesses the “right” skills and abilities for key positions to drive companies forward and keep them competitive. Finding (and keeping) the “right talent” with the required critical skills and abilities for key positions has been, and still remain a major stumbling block for companies.

How can your company ensure that you appoint (and retain) the best talent to achieve business success?


Critically analyse key positions

Understand the key demands and requirements of high profile positions to determine the make-up of a “successful, high performing employee” when compared to the benchmark of effective employees in a particular position. Example aspects to consider include ability or aptitude, personality and behavioural traits, motivation and values, decision making capability, problem solving ability and stress management.


Conduct industry and position-specific psychometric tests and assessments

Match the psychometric assessment battery and critical success competencies for a position as closely as possible to a “real world” situation. It is best practice to assess and measure individuals against the position they are applying for or occupying.


Report comprehensively on data gathered

Psychometric tests and assessments provide a large quantity of data (or insights) about an individual, which, when interpreted and analysed correctly and translated into practical terms and actions, become extremely valuable – not only to the individual completing the assessment (from a developmental perspective), but also to the department in which the individual fulfils their role, and ultimately the overall company’s bottom line.


Draw up a career and/or personal development plan (and update continuously)

Active and ongoing implementation of the results of the data gathered from psychometric tests and assessments sets a suitable individual up for success in their particular position. There is nothing that wastes more time and money and damages the reputation of a company as a poorly placed and/or developed employee. By adequately utilising the data gathered from psychometric tests and assessments you gain insight into what drives your employees’ decisions and behaviour, their areas of strength to capitalise on, and their development areas to create developmental actions for.

Boundless Industrial Psychology Consulting is proud to have access to a broad range of psychometric tests and assessments, implemented for various business requirements (such as for recruitment screening, selection, development, skills audits, or career pathing). We are committed to enhance the career outputs of individuals and increase the overall results of companies.
If you would like to have more information about our psychometric assessments service offerings, please contact us at
Achieving Happiness

Achieving Happiness

Achieving Happiness 1920 900 Boundless IOP
We often search for advice from experts when life suddenly turns upside down or perhaps when we want to improve our current state of existence.

How do we achieve happiness? How do you attain mental, emotional and physical happiness and well-being in today’s fast-paced, always-connected world?

Human nature tends to drive people towards wanting to feel good about themselves and thus they tend to emerge in self-obsession, self-healing and the search for wholeness. They strive for internal balance, strength and adaptability to cope with the struggles of daily life caused by external forces or self-destructing inner voices.




Many individuals feel burned out due to increased responsibilities, continuous pressure to succeed or constant changes in their lives whether it be at work or at home. How do you switch off from “always busy and connected” to focusing on the current moment and being fully present in order to bring out the best in yourself? Develop mindfulness through awareness and intention by creating routines to improve your entire psyche. Activities such as exercise, meditation, Pilates / yoga, reading, building relationships and connections with others and focusing on the broader view of the situation you are finding yourself in can help you achieve a state of mindfulness.


When you manage your energy effectively to create a healthy rhythm in your daily routine comprising of powerful, engaged and action-oriented behaviours, you can accomplish more than merely focusing on managing your time which could lead to a point of burnout. Learn how to prioritise your energy and create a well balanced approach towards life that includes a more holistic view of what is important: physical activity, emotional wellbeing, mental stimulation, spiritual growth; as well as recharging your batteries. Focus on strengthening positive habits and breaking down and replacing negative habits which drain your energy.


At some point in time we all feel stressed out by our commitments, rushed for time or out of our depth – all which can seriously compromise our health and wellbeing. Keep it simple when you want to reduce stress, such as scheduling quiet time for yourself to read a book or writing in a journal. Physical activity not only releases emotional stress but also physical stress – dance around on your favourite song. Think back to all the carefree activities you did when you were a child – arts and crafts or reading under a tree. Escape your surroundings by spending time outdoors or taking a vacation. Make sure you get enough sleep, stop sweating the small stuff and focus on your choices. Always remember – laughter is the best medicine!


In order to find innovative solutions and seeing your life from a fresh perspective, require unleashing your own creativity, be prepared for new experiences and be open to new ideas. Focus on relaxing your mind and stop focusing on specific tasks and let your mind form connections between different responsibilities. Develop an increasing understanding of your ultimate need or goal and start to ask questions starting with “why” to help you obtain deeper levels of details. Ultimately you should leap from planning to action; from duty to passion and from creative confidence to drive.


Did you ever wish you can adopt a healthier lifestyle or realise personal or professional achievements? You can achieve it by learning how to create, control and change your habits. Once you understand the cycle of a habit – “prompt, routine, and reward” you are well on your way to be able to create healthy habits and ending detrimental habits. Next time you feel like lying down to binge watch your favourite series, identify the prompts that leads you to the routine and the unhealthy reward. When you understand the reason for the habit, you can actively work to identify the prompt and instead of following the old routine make a positive shift in behaviour that will lead to a healthy reward.


Sometimes you might think: “once I get the promotion I will be happy, or when I am able to buy my dream car I will be happy”. The trick is not to “wait to be happy” or to hold onto the thinking of “if I get this I will be happy” but to achieve a state of happiness in every single action you take every day you live. Engage in activities that explore and challenge your negative thoughts to be able to consciously deal with it and improve your sense of wellbeing at home and at work. Declutter your surroundings and live in a pleasant, tidy and open environment – start by putting away your shoes or hanging up your coat. Surround yourself with positive and happy people or pets, and spend money on products that will save you time and allow you to enjoy your life and not be bogged down with daily routine tasks. Spread your happiness and volunteer at your local animal shelter or get involved in a community project. Start becoming an active happiness achiever, rather than a passive dreamer.


For many of us this is probably one of the most daunting and difficult tasks – changing your personal behaviour. “Wanting to change” is the key driver in recognising your behavioural flaws and intentionally bringing about significant changes. You need to understand what triggers your behaviour / attitude and then learn how to take control of them in order to change your deep seated personal beliefs. Self-discipline and a will to succeed are required during the process of breaking down the change into manageable steps and steadily acting on it. Keep record of your progress and avoid trying to achieve perfection. Every change, no matter how small, is leading you to a bigger goal. If you want to change, you can, but remember that change takes time; thus view it as a marathon and not a sprint!


Bouncing back during and after difficult times can leave you feeling vulnerable for any new “attacks”. When you are resilient, you continually reinvent yourself to fit into and adapt to the new environment, which allows you to constantly change and evolve alongside society and world changes. Being able to act responsively in situations allows you to succeed in an ever changing society. Realising that you have the ability to create a meaningful purpose for your life, and the power to shape it as you desire, whilst realising that you can learn from both positive and negative experiences, will build your resilience.

Ending with the words of Bob Proctor: “It doesn’t matter where you are; you are nowhere compared to where you can go.”

Happiness awaits you.

Go-getter Personality

The Go-Getter Personality: Evolving Your Mindset

The Go-Getter Personality: Evolving Your Mindset 1920 900 Boundless IOP

Go-Getter At Work

One aspect in life which holds true to all successful individuals, irrespective of their area of life—whether it be sport, business, leadership or artistic in nature—is to never stop focusing on your individual growth!

Adult development can at times be overshadowed by instinctive mental traps developed throughout life, which can cause an individual to filter information through the predetermined ideas entrenched within oneself or simply by one’s ego.

Even though you have one billion dollar ideas whilst lying awake at night, you may think and experience the following that could derail you:

``my days are full of activities—I do not have time to strive to achieve more”

“the years speed by so fast, it is just another year of ignoring my new year’s resolutions”

“I work hard during the day and when I get home I merely want to binge watch the latest series”

“most people never achieve their dreams—why would I be any different?”

If any of the previous statements are applicable to your mindset the tips below may well be what you need in order to get going and realise your “pie in the sky” ideas.



Spend at least a devoted two hours per day working on your dreams. Break down your overall goal into smaller, achievable segments and celebrate each and every small achievement. With persistence and a desire to achieve your goalposts can and will be within your reach.


Stop wasting time searching for your keys or wondering when your follow-up optometrist visit is, sit down and start planning. Start with small organising activities and create routines—attempt to form one healthy habit per month.


Prepare mentally, research, listen to yourself and the other party(ies), articulate your needs in a clear manner, follow up and hold out for what you deserve. Always remember to never forgo your principles and values for the sake of a good deal.


It is easy to rely on phone calls, e-mails, instant messages or video calls in today’s digital age. Never underestimate the critical value of showing up in person and proving your credibility and commitment to the project.


Learn to set boundaries on anything that drains your energy and moves you further from your goals. It is acceptable to say no to things.


Ask yourself: “what is good about this moment, this day, this week”. Note three aspects of your daily life that is good and identify the reason(s) that made it possible. Changing your perspective can lead to changing your life.


Face it, accept it, analyse the cause of the failure, set a new strategy immediately (not only corrective, but preventative) and remember, failure is only true when you give up.


Whether it is a weekend away, a lazy day at home doing nothing, taking that trip to Bali that you never got the time for, it is important to take a break from the stress that you will be experiencing due to your changed circumstances. Do keep your finances in mind, though… you don’t know how long you may be unemployed and this might not be the time to travel around the globe unless you have saved up for it.


Remember that becoming unemployed due to no fault of your own is not about you and does not define you. Even though you are not where you have thought you would be or wanted to be right now, doesn’t mean that you won’t get there in the future! Remain focused on your dreams, and devise practical ways to move closer towards them. While it may take a while to find another job that excites you, you still have something valuable to offer to the world of work.

Bill McDermott believes that to win big, you must dream big. Go out and believe that you can do anything that you set your focused and dedicated mind to.