Job Loss: The Employee Perspective
What does it mean to go from employed to unemployed when you didn’t plan for it or decide it? When one day you are building your career and the next you are out of one? This short post discusses some of the effects that unexpected unemployment can have on the ambitious employee.
When a career-driven employee is forced to resign due to poor employment conditions, retrenchment, or due to changed personal circumstances, the disappointment can be rife. The employee can easily become completely despondent, disengaged from their career aspirations, and start to isolate. Going from employed to unemployed can have significant physiological and psychological effects, such as lack of sleep, loss of appetite, susceptibility to illness; increased feelings of fear, hopelessness, uncertainty and decreased self-confidence to name a few.
If this is you, how do you ensure that you effectively manage the possible effects of sudden unemployment for the period that you are unemployed?
Even though this is such a difficult topic to think about, realities sometimes change; and if yours unfortunately has to, I hope that you will push through it. Remember these words from Baruch Spinoza: “There is no hope unmingled with fear, and no fear unmingled with hope.”